hi all

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i need new file xml for new transporder plz only that
I see you put always "hi all" as subject in your topics.
I think you'd better name your topics as topic argument, it is easiest for other users to know what you are talking about without going inside the tread and help you about your problem.
And i think this is a better place to put your post, not in plugin section, so i moved.
...and dont forget to respect our board rules!

4) Discussions regarding, pedophilia, pornography, piracy (keys, emulators, card sharing,
softcams, serial, crack warez) and to any debate illegal under existing laws are not allowed.
Recall also that it is illegal to reproduce your subscription to any Sky decoder IC that
has not paid the royaltes to NDS Group plc.
In order to prevent any discussion about the possible unlawful use of the receivers, it's forbidden
any debate about the smartcard reading and encoding systems.
Are also not permitted any religious and political
discussions that emphasize the superiority of any race, ethnicity, nationality and religion.
Are also not allowed discussions that are not related to the main theme of the forum.
You can get this from the script located in addons within the image or by updating via settings, I suggest you spend some time familiarizing yourself with the image, board rules and the search facility.

This thread servers no purpose so it is now closed.
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