how can i reduce RAM usage on my blackhole image

Well, I wasn't really relating this to box crashing, more as a general question if possible or not. Swap file is a common feature on basically all operating systems, in principle to extend available random access memory, from times when "rewritable" memory was not cheap. I don't see at the moment why wouldn't it be possible to use flash memory for the task, especially in the situation when this resource is very little used and serves as a sort of "protecting" space in special circumstances.
Except if flash memory is not very critical on number of (re)writes lifetime. Do we know the values for type of memory used in Vu+?
If it's low, does it mean those flashing their boxes on a weekly basis should expect limited lifetime of their boxes?
I don't know about other pros and cons, so that's why ask and would like to hear from somebody on the team if possible or not. And some reasoning behind the answer, if possible of course.
The problem with a write to storage is that it's not just 1 write, the change of 1 byte can result in 2 or 3 write actions, so loading epg data into flash with a size of 10mb can theoretically result in a few thousand write actions, update epg daily and multiply that by 365 for 1 year, add the many epg-read actions from flash... Flash should stay static for as long as possible and dynamic stuff should go into ram. I don't think you'd be happy if the internal flash got damaged.

What we need is a module (add-on) that redirects all epg read/writes somewhere else other then the ram used by e2, that would sort out all the problems as a box without epg runs for months without a single problem. Its too bad my c knowledge isn't good enough or I would have written it, can't be that hard to code.
Again, I'm not talking about epg system, nor this thread is about it. It's about memory usage and only in general terms I asked if there are any particular reasons not to allow creating of, say 16Mb swap file in flash when RAM is on 90% of use and flash on 45% (like in my case).
Link you provided actually says MTBF of flash memory should not be a reason against it:

...It took 90593104 writes for the drive to die. That's 90.5 million...
Link you provided actually says MTBF of flash memory should not be a reason against it:
No, but not all flash is of the same quality and by all means nobody wants their flash to break in 2,3 of 5 years especially when you can't replace it.

I've pulled in the epg issue because that is the most common reason for a e2 crash and its related to ram use not flash and with 8 epg providers you are talking about ram space versus epg space. You basically don't have to do anything when adding stuff except when it comes to live epg data.
I surely understand what you mean and none of my posts/remarks had anything to do with your quest(ion) on changing the way EPG is handled on E2 images, or BH image, whatever. Maybe I should have started completely unrelated thread.
If you can, forget at the moment about your pursuit, I post about something else. Very simply I ask if it's possible to use internal flash for creating a swap file and if not, why not? If you take calculator in your hands and do a little math you would see that even if flash memory built in the Vu is 10 times worse that the one built in 2008 Sony's stick it will still last way longer than any of the current TV standards! :)
There may of course be other reasons, so maybe somebody from the team would know?