Factory reset is not what it sounds like. It just delete all your settings.
For satellite have you try and update the satellites.xml file? and there is also the option for KU and C bands scan.
Usally you should choose the KU band and not the C band.
I have attached an updated satellites.xml Just unzip the attached file i have attached to find the satellites.xml then you can upload with ftp to folder /etc/tuxbox
The Restart Enigma2 (GUI)
Go to tuner setup and check what band is choosen. If C band then try and change to KU band and see if that helps you to get a look with SatFinder
For satellite have you try and update the satellites.xml file? and there is also the option for KU and C bands scan.
Usally you should choose the KU band and not the C band.
I have attached an updated satellites.xml Just unzip the attached file i have attached to find the satellites.xml then you can upload with ftp to folder /etc/tuxbox
The Restart Enigma2 (GUI)
Go to tuner setup and check what band is choosen. If C band then try and change to KU band and see if that helps you to get a look with SatFinder