how do i send channel list to vu+uno


Vu+ User
How do i send my chan list to uno? what file does it go to,i also have a external harddrive attached how do iset that up?advice please guys>thanks
1. For setting list use DreamboxEdit on Your PC and via that program send Your settings list to VU+.

2. For HDD You need to mount(maybe format) it via Device manager on BH image. Blue button/blue button/ device maanger/red buuton
you dont happen to know where i can get a chan list for 30e 39w for vu uno blackhole do you buddy?
1. For setting list use DreamboxEdit on Your PC and via that program send Your settings list to VU+.

2. For HDD You need to mount(maybe format) it via Device manager on BH image. Blue button/blue button/ device maanger/red buuton
you dont happen to know where i can get a chan list for 30e 39w for vu uno blackhole do you buddy?

Try Googling "Cyrus Settings Team" and get their CST_E2_MOTOR (75°E > 58°W), the settings are updated weekly.

When installing a HDD, you may need to Initialize it first from the Setup-System-Harddisk menu