How to clear obsolete channels BH, VU+Zero 4K


Vu+ Newbie
Hi, every time I download new channels seems to just duplicate them in the channels list. Like you see in the pic, I have multiple obsolete channels/frequencies, that should be cleared, but they stay there. I've tried to do channels search on the machine, but also no success. Mostly I download settings/channels from Vhannibal.

I use FTP client to access VU+ Zero so are there any files/entries to be removed in order to clear the channel list from these duplicate/obsolete channels?

I run Black Hole 3.07 on VU+ Zero 4K

Hi, every time I download new channels seems to just duplicate them in the channels list. Like you see in the pic, I have multiple obsolete channels/frequencies, that should be cleared, but they stay there. I've tried to do channels search on the machine, but also no success. Mostly I download settings/channels from Vhannibal.

I use FTP client to access VU+ Zero so are there any files/entries to be removed in order to clear the channel list from these duplicate/obsolete channels?

I run Black Hole 3.07 on VU+ Zero 4K

try to put the latest version black hole image 3.1.0 flash clean install then tune everything and you will see that you will have no problems #hello!
This is another consequence of wanting to use those "pappa pronta" things: I told that many times: this autosettings stuff seem to modify also other system files, causing inconsistencies between their settings and a proper scan done by the box.
You need YOUR satellites.xml and terrestrial.xml files, YOUR lamedb file and so on. Otherwise you have these problems.
And the pappa pronta results into a lot of work to do afterwards.
Install the original xml files, perform a scan avtivating the "delete before scanning" and pray.
Create your own list and, before you send it to the box, disabled the search in the 2nd plan.

But you have to "master" the creating from the list....
You need YOUR satellites.xml and terrestrial.xml files, YOUR lamedb file and so on.

Install the original xml files, perform a scan avtivating the "delete before scanning" and pray.

Thanks to all for replies.
Alex can you explain it little bit more in details?
I thought it was clear: the list of channels are surely related to the .xml files or the file lamedb. So, if you installed these autosettings and then you perform a normal scan, what it finds is like a different channel.
I had the bad idea to try one of this plugins a lot of time ago and... it caused a disaster to my bouquets. So, I haven't used them never again.
Create your bouquets one for all and then it'll be very easy to do small modifications once a new channel is found, either by a complete scan or by a manual scan on single frequency or transponder.
You won't be creating and renovating your bouquets everyday! ;) The structure might take a bit to create the first time; but then... it's done. My bouquet's list is almost the same since 2015. Of course, every now and then I add or delete some channel.
OK I understand, but how exactly can I clear the list? Is it only way a fresh flash? Or can it be done by deleting some files via FTP client, in that case which files?

I've tried system search/normal scan ..... but my outdated channels stay there in ALL Channels
It seems that you are still new to this... But everything has a beginning and, of course, an end! It is an unchanging rule....

What do you want to tune? Satellite? 1, 2 or more? Others (terrestrial/cable)?
I am not new to this. I am using SAT technology over 20y probably, from analog to digital to skynet offline dl to 4K on PC with skystar, tevii, enigma..... codi......

I have a simple problem, I would like completely delete my obsolete channels on VU+ 4K ZERO BH 3.07
I know it can be done by flashing a new image, but asking if there is a way via FTP client. Thanks again to all.
Yes there is... elaborates a list of clean channels, in box disabled the search in 2nd plane, and sends the list to the box.
OK I understand, but how exactly can I clear the list?

I've tried system search/normal scan ..... but my outdated channels stay there in ALL Channels
As I already said in post#4, you need to enable the option to delete channels before scan. As simple as that.
Before the scan, restore the original .xml files if you want to avoid the problem in the future, because, after the image updates, the files will be updated and, unless you chnage its folder, they will cause again the problem.
You can do scan and this will come the "trash"... You can withdraw a list for Vhannibal and with this will come "trash". If what you want in Vhannibal is available is faster than a scan.

Then you have to edit the list to your taste, erase everything that is "trash" in the services, suspend the search in 2nd plan on the box, then send the list.

If it is to have this to the detail, only then...