How to correct clock and make the correction stick?


Vu+ Newbie
I'm having problems with the clock, it is not displaying the time it should display (one hour few minutes off). I have set the time manually using the `date -s` command, but it reverted to the wrong time some time later within an hour. I have the right zone info set.

root@vuduo2:/etc# cat bhversion: BlackHole 2.0.5
root@vuduo2:/etc# cat bhrev: rev. B

How can i solve this?

Unfortunately, that doesn't do anything. I am still one hour few minutes off. All channels display same time, even from different sats/transponders.
I'm having problems with the clock, it is not displaying the time it should display (one hour few minutes off). I have set the time manually using the `date -s` command, but it reverted to the wrong time some time later within an hour. I have the right zone info set.

root@vuduo2:/etc# cat bhversion: BlackHole 2.0.5
root@vuduo2:/etc# cat bhrev: rev. B

How can i solve this?

I have found a solution that seems to stick across reboots. But not sure if it is permanent. The solution is:

  1. add
    to "/etc/enigma2/settings file.
  2. run the command "rdate -s"
Now the time is displayed correctly.
I have found a solution that seems to stick across reboots. But not sure if it is permanent. The solution is:

  1. add to "/etc/enigma2/settings file.
  2. run the command "rdate -s"
Now the time is displayed correctly.

Hi, I've got the same problem. I tried this but nothing happened. do you have any other idea for this. I' ve got BH 2.0.6 rev. C. this problem came out about one week ago, I had BH 2.0.6. I updated it to rev. C and the time was good again but changed back to the wrong time some days later. my timezone is on GMT-4 Santiago. It should be Caracas La Paz because I live in Martinique, But even when timezone was working good. When I was using Lapaz, the time displayed was GMT- 4:30 instead of GMT- 4. this bug exist for a longtime ago, that's why I use Santiago time. Thanks for your help.
Hi, I've got the same problem. I tried this but nothing happened. do you have any other idea for this. I' ve got BH 2.0.6 rev. C. this problem came out about one week ago, I had BH 2.0.6. I updated it to rev. C and the time was good again but changed back to the wrong time some days later. my timezone is on GMT-4 Santiago. It should be Caracas La Paz because I live in Martinique, But even when timezone was working good. When I was using Lapaz, the time displayed was GMT- 4:30 instead of GMT- 4. this bug exist for a longtime ago, that's why I use Santiago time. Thanks for your help.


The only thing I can think of is to run the command and have it in the cron job to be run at regular intervals. However, I am not familiar with cron format. So, now I only run the command by hand every now and then.