How to install Nano Tips


Vu+ Newbie
Often you have to edit config files or other files by hand. Personally I hate vi or similar editors. You can always copy them to your computer and edit them there, but an easier way are to edit them direct with nano. This are an tips how to install nano on your vu+ duo2 box.

Try first get nano via package manager:
opkg update
opkg list | grep -i nano

If you not can get nano this way, do this:

cd /sbin
mv mipsel-nano_2.0 nano
chmod +x nano

Now you can edit your files via nano.
I always use DCC to edit mine
Only takes a couple of minutes
In what way is this different?

Ok Now I have test DCC, it not that easy as nano. You have to transfer the file to your PC and then edit in there and then back to the box.
DCC are what I can understand for Windows?

It very easy to edit, config your box direct on then when using telnet or ssh.
Ok Now I have test DCC, it not that easy as nano. You have to transfer the file to your PC and then edit in there and then back to the box.
DCC are what I can understand for Windows?

It very easy to edit, config your box direct on then when using telnet or ssh.
youi right click on your config file, select edit and save changes on exit
youi right click on your config file, select edit and save changes on exit

Ok. Better then move to computer, edit and move back. But DCC are for Windows, right? I don't run Windows. So if not. Or if you like command line and use ssh or telnet to control your box, this are an tips to have in mind.