How to setup Crossepg {XEPGDB providers} on a USB stick

Hello, i tried to follow this tutorial (Post #1)
But it is no longer applicable to image 3.0.2d, there are menu changes and things are missing.

Is there a Tutorial for activating a 7 Day EPG on the 3.0.2d image
I would like to use OpenTV for the Australian providers
Thank you
I have made the 7 Day EPG work on the Ultimo using 3.0.2d
But every time i reboot the box, the 7 day epg is lost?

I must (green button > Cross EPG Downloader) to redownload the 7 Day EPG each time.

Is there a way these files will stay resident and updated on the USB stick?

Looks like there is a problem with Cross epg / Rytec

I have one now / next

If i try to update Rytec providers, I get: "Can not retrive Rytec sources"

This is a setup that has been working for long time.