I can no longer access ftp


Vu+ Newbie
Good evening I read the latest news about Blackhole and VU+. I was accessing my box via ftp before uninstalling Blackhole 3.03 - 3.09 - 3.10 I'm currently using OpenBlackhole 4.4.023 with OpenMultiboot Manager 1.3 in flash memory and I have Openblackhole 5.0 I can't access ftp on my VU+ anymore, the password has changed Can anyone help me please
You need to set a password, on your VU+ receiver, when using the later images.
Go into the menu, Settings, Network, Password.
Type in a password, anyhting you want, then hit enter, on the pop up keyboard, and save the password. Once done, use this password with your FTP program, and other utilities, like dreamboxedit.
Have you checked that your receiver has saved the password?
Have you tried logging in using other utilities, like dreamboxedit, DCC, Dreambox Control centre, VUCC v8, VU+ Control Centre, etc?
Are you using Filezilla, or other FTP program?
The problem might be that you have OpenBh 5, in multiboot, and not the receivers flash memory, but I haven't tested your configuration, so I'm not sure. The latest openBh is 5.1, have you tried that, in multiboot?
have you also checked your receivers assigned ip address?
Thank you for your reply but I have to tell you that before I uninstalled the three Blackhole images everything was working fine.
If I go to network, impetrants and FTP
auto start enable
Current status stopped
If I do start (green button) it does not work
I use Filezilla FTP
I use Open Multiboot Manager 1.3 but it doesn't work anymore I can't install new images.
In flash memory I have Openblackhole 5.0 on disk Openblackhole 4.4.023 and VTI 15.0
The FTP works with the VTI image.
I would like to make this work but I understand that VU+ does not want to collaborate with Blackhole anymore.
Which receiver do you have?

I have a VU+ Duo 2, currently running the older OpenBh 5.0, because I prefer Kodi 19.4, as the newer Kodi 20, the only version available on 5.1, doesn't work with my addons, at least they didn't last time I tested it, and don't use multiboot.
I have no problems with Filezilla, dreamboxedit, VUCC, etc. as they all accept my password.
I shall probably carry out a fresh installation, of OpenBh 5.0, as I've been testing a few plugins, and want to clean everything out, for new testings.