Kodi 18 from notebook into reciever VU+ UNO 4K SE

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Vu+ Newbie
I have VU+UNO 4K SE and IMG Black Hole. I installed the CZSK Archive in the plugins to solve at least partially the termination of the Kodi function in this hardware (it does not have a Hisilicon processor), which I am otherwise satisfied with. So far I have a working Kodi on my laptop, but that's not it. I am turning to you experts on how to make it possible to watch movies running via Kodi on a laptop at the same time on a satellite, if there is any solution. Thanks for the good advice
You could set up your VU+ receiver, to download Kodi streams, it's similar to recording, the streams will be stored on your hard drive, or other recording path, so that you can watch them when, and as often, as you like.
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