Little question of the evening.


Vu+ User
Who knows what the illumination of the points highlighted in the screenshot indicates, since they don't always light up?



PS. For the most attentive observers: no tuners are listed and the IPTV voice is active as the decoder from which the screenshot was taken (Vu+ Zero - no 4K) is connected in fallback to my Vu+ Solo2 located in another house about 250 km away of distance.:D
The left statuses of the point show

Online Update State (There is an update on the server)
Subservices Available (The channel contains sub channels)

The right statuses of the points show

Record State (Recording is active)
Clients Streaming (Streaming active)
I had forgot about the streaming led and I found out why: in EclipseFire it doesn't seem to work. Can you check for this, please?
Unless... for streaming you mean only IPTV services, but it'd be interesting also to know if a fallback client is streaming.


  • Streaming-not-displayed.jpg
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I did this test:
from OpenWebif I opened, with VLC, the streaming of a transmission and, as you can see, the led at the bottom right lights up intermittently.

Led Streaming.jpg

Here, however, I did the opposite. While I was seeing on zero in the fallback of solo2, I started the streaming, again from Openwebif with VLC, of a DTT broadcast of the area I am in now.

Led Streaming_2.jpg
Perhaps here I will explain myself better. :D
While I was watching on the TV Focus from Solo2, streaming with VLC from Openwebif, on the PC I saw another local DTT broadcast.

Led Streaming_3.jpg

I had forgot about the streaming led and I found out why: in EclipseFire it doesn't seem to work. Can you check for this, please?
Unless... for streaming you mean only IPTV services, but it'd be interesting also to know if a fallback client is streaming.

Test now updated skins from Obh Server