Media’s Audio Changes to Tv Channel

This is matter to sue VU+, in my opinion! ;) As there is no need to format the HDD as an image runs in flash! Fortunately, the original image does not even exists for me.
And I remember having been asked whether I wanted to initialise my HDD or not by one image only, among the ones I've tried, but I don't remember which one. It could have been only OpenPli, Vti or openAtv, as I've never tried others different from BH or OBH.
Since my previous experience with other images, I have been very careful when experiencing with flashing new images. There are some images that wipeout the Hdd, but in different situation. In my past encounter of hdd being wipeout is installing the hdd after flashing a new image.

Anyway, many thanks to God, I am able to recover it. If not, my wife will be killing me and hangs me up on a tree.
Don't panic. You can probably restore the files with one of the undelete programs that can be had for free.
But you have to connect the harddrive to your PC to do that.

I also have harddrive to my Solo4k but it has never done anything to the files when I try different images.
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Software from Easeus could not recover, only GetDataBack will, it’s at
“ “
, but is not free. I think it is the best in the recovery market.
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Their free Partition Master are recommended from several sources. Did you try that?
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I have this, it won’t work. There isn’t much recovery software for Linux and even lesser for Ext4. I had tried so many of them, I guess it’s almost all.

I had tried the original image and it do works in Rca, please tell me what should I do next?
I believe that there is so little special recovery software for Linux because you can probably do that yourself.
When I goolge I see that when you go over 2TB capacity things begin to change with filesystems and you had a 3TB drive.
But you have a Linux machine, or dual booth so it must be an easy way to fix this. Your files are for sure still on the harddrive
and Unix/Linux has backup/recovery superblocks on the harddrive that needs to be accessed.
Try google "linux ext4 recover" and you could first try
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