Mistakes to be corrected


BH Lover
As I am translating into french the new image, I found some mistakes :

In BhRed.pyo

From red button , choice big bang
Last line of message box Bing bang instead of Big Bang

Sorry your Parallel Universes are older than your Black Hole world
You need to re-inizialize the system, reformat your Usb stick or generate a Bing Bang.

The Big Bang will collapse all of the Parallel Universes into the original Black Hole matrix
This means that all of your Parallel Universes will be destroyed and turned back into Black Hole timespace.
Are you sure you want to start the Bing Bang?

Warning, all of the data stored in your Parallel Universes will be lost.
Are you sure you want to start the Bing Bang?

Black Hole details:
Black Hole is the original matrix of all Parallel Universes and resides in its own phisycal space.

2) Map the newly formatted stick to "universe"
sign " non accepted by po edit replace with '