Multi view channels DUO2


Vu+ Newbie
Hello friends,

I m looking for best option for watch channels, I have 4 rooms and i have 1 duo2...

What is the best solution?
2 tuner (2 in) + lnb quad?

sorry for my ingles.

1 duo2 with 2 dual tuners and quad lnb. 3 cheap boxes in other rooms with ethernet connection fto duo2 and fallback tuner.
So, I strongly advice you to use OBH, not BH, because of its very effective Fallback tuner possibility.
In the Duo2 the maximum you can have, is 2 tuners. This means that the "maximum" LNB you can take advantage of is a dual output LNB.
As a matter of fact, even if you had a quad output, two tuners can be connected only to two outputs.
This also means that you might have problems using all your 4 receivers at the same time in case you will be watching/recording/streaming from more than 2 transponders.
in the duo2 you can use 2 x dual tuner so you have 4 tuners in total and quad lnb. Use openvix whits is super on fallback tuner.I have it running here already 5 years with openvix and no problems. 1x DUO2 master and 3 cheap decoders on fallback.
major reply was : in the duo2 you can use 2 x dual tuner so you have 4 tuners in total and quad lnb .Image is a personal choice but earlyer info was wrong.
So, I strongly advice you to use OBH, not BH, because of its very effective Fallback tuner possibility.
In the Duo2 the maximum you can have, is 2 tuners. This means that the "maximum" LNB you can take advantage of is a dual output LNB.
As a matter of fact, even if you had a quad output, two tuners can be connected only to two outputs.
This also means that you might have problems using all your 4 receivers at the same time in case you will be watching/recording/streaming from more than 2 transponders.

Hey in this moment i have 2 tuners, but 1 int & 1 out every tuner.

Thank you.
in the duo2 you can use 2 x dual tuner so you have 4 tuners in total and quad lnb. Use openvix whits is super on fallback tuner.I have it running here already 5 years with openvix and no problems. 1x DUO2 master and 3 cheap decoders on fallback.

Thanks, you can send me picture please ? with instalation and model of LNB. This was my idea.
standard installation : just 2x the dual tuner in the slots of the duo2.The LNB is a simple quad LNB 0.1 (or 0.2) .Setting all tuners as independant (no disecq) and on there satelite (the same sat for you).

PS: if you have out and in on your tuners then they are not Sat but terrestrial tuners/cable .