MX i6 & MX i6+ & MX S6 & MX S6+

Very great work but one question: why in OBH the picons autoscale in automatic at the dimension expected in infobar and in BH image i must use appropriate picons for evrey skins?
Tank you
Dear friends please help me how to make so that under the mini-screen not the following event, but current was displayed? BH 2.1.7 default skin MX i6p. And i apologize for my English

is there a way to display the snr in dB instead of % ?i try adding SNRdB in skin.xml but no change,and another thing i use mk picons 400x240 for uk channels and are not displaying (bh2.1.7 default skin)
is there a way to display the snr in dB instead of % ?i try adding SNRdB in skin.xml but no change,and another thing i use mk picons 400x240 for uk channels and are not displaying (bh2.1.7 default skin)

No dB with Black Hole not supported , you can use Open Black Hole.
Picons format for this skin is 220 x 132 .