Navi-X fix for beta2

Hi installed Navi X on my Solo SE but something went wrong. Now trying to reinstall it without sucess.
How can i clean XBMC from my corrupted NAVI X installation?

Have to install it correct before the fix can be uploaded
hi shiro
1-i found .xmbc in usr / lib it OK?
2-installed navix but didn't find folder in addons
3-i can access my duo 2 but how can i browse my pc files through xmbc -do i have to mount sthing?
thanls very much for your help
This can help someone maybe,
I seen that after navi-x plugin update, folder name changed, so currently is running from
so, in case that your plugin stopped working, have a look on folder path and fix file in the new directory too.
This worked for me.