Network browser problem


Vu+ Newbie
I have vu plus solo se and I have a problem with pure2 image and network browser option and mounts. My network works fine , I am watching movies without problems from my tablet via shared folder on my pc. When i enter network browser from Mounts setup in my vuplus i see my pc but i cannot expand. Samba is enabled. I had the same problem with pli image. When i use for exemple Vix image, it works fine.

If you have nu idea tell me.
This is the forum for BH and OBH, not for the messy pure2, an image born to be only scenic but poor in usability. You need to ask their forum for support.
Well in defense for the common users and i have say this before. Branding of the forum could be better if you are not dragging your mouse over the banner it's easy to missunderstand ;)

Yes, I also have expressed this thought. Apart from the VU+ banner (let's accept their sponsorship) it just be something to add to the vuplus-community banner the text "for BlackHole and OpenBlackHole)" ;)
if you go to the forum
you find them treated all the images for vuplus decoders
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