New VU+UNO4KSE using OBH -5 softcams not working from plugin feeds

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Vu+ Newbie
I will keep tis disscusion light as I know the rules , I just got my new VU+ UNO 4KSE
I wanted to test if the softcams via trhe feeds work and found ***** and ***** do not work but they do work in OPENVIX
Contacted provider and even they are baffeled?
Is this still in development in OBH?

I note in Openvix you can start and stop cams but in OBH you can only start but not stop when pressing the blue button?
I will keep tis disscusion light as I know the rules , I just got my new VU+ UNO 4KSE
I wanted to test if the softcams via trhe feeds work and found ***** and ***** do not work but they do work in OPENVIX
Contacted provider and even they are baffeled?
Is this still in development in OBH?

I note in Openvix you can start and stop cams but in OBH you can only start but not stop when pressing the blue button?

If you know the rules, you can´t ask though!

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