Announcements OpenBH 0.6 Vu+ Ultimo4K and Uno4K Pre-Release

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Happy New Year 2017 from the Black Hole Team

Now we know that many of you have your shiney new Ultimo4K and Uno4K receivers and wish to use them with OpenBH, however at this time, the images simply are not ready to be fully released, as there are a few bugs that we have not managed to iron out yet.

However the images are stable, therefore as it's New Year, we have a little gift for you and that is the Pre-Release (Beta tester images) for the Ultimo4K and Uno4K.

Please take note, these are Beta images, therefore there are some issue's:
1) Wi-Fi not working (Ultimo4K)
2) Motor only works on FBC DVB-S2 tuner in Slot1 (Ultimo4K)
3) Screenshot / Grab not working (Ultimo4K/Uno4K)
4) Turbo Tuner not working (Ultimo4K)
5) Blindscan not working (Ultimo4K/Uno4K)
Stay tuned... We will update this release post whenever new issues are discovered...

OpenBH 0.6

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