Have I to update firmware, the fpga or front processor? I bought the box in december. May it cause, not to be the firmware updated, the reason of the bad working of multiboot? I'm really lost, I'm sorry.
The only existent booloader upgrade, afaik, it's only to solve some issues, if you have experiencing troubles with ethernet connections.
If are not experiencing this, you don't need to upgrade your bootloader.
Although, you can try this:
1) - Boot from flash ( Blackhole 3.0.1 F or Open BlackHole 0.1 ).
2) - Use a FTP tool ... acess the media usb folders:
delete both folders:
located in --> /media/usb
3) - Reboot your STB.
Your STB ... should boot from FLASH.
4) - Acess the plugins MENU -- OpenMultiboot ... and set USB for handling OenMultiboot.
5) - Test the first image for booting:
5.1. - Download it from source and do this:
On your PC ... for example:
the image source name is -->
Try renaming it before FTP to /media/usb/OpenMultiboot-upload as:
Press Install on your RCU to install this OpenPLi-4.0.zip
When the install finished ...
you should see on your screen 2 bootables images:
Try boot OpenPli-4.0 and wait until it's done ..... This will take about 10 minutes.
NOTE: This process must be done only from image installed in flash .
best regards