
Is vu+ zero an exception??? 2 images installed in multiboot with bh 3.0.1.F in the flash, and no results. Has scubidoo installed openbh in the flash?? Or you have 3.0.1F in the flash and 3.0.1 - 2.1.7 in multiboot??
I should flash bh3.0.1 and try with multiboot with fresh flash, with no other updates. I come from 3.0.1 and I have updated to 3.0.1F by online image update. So maybe this my problem??
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So it's checked that use the online image update it's not a good idea, we don't get the same results. I'll check this, in the future, maybe...
As you can see in my explanation, blackhole 3.0.1.F in my vuzero flash and the others images in multiboot. But scubidoo says that is posible latest bh in the flash and previous bh versions in multiboot...

I say the same thing too.. You are using Italysat image and OpenPlus ( don´t use them ) ... Try with Blackhole 2.1.7, Open Blackhole 0.1, Vti 9.0, OpenPli 4.0 .... It must work!.

It doesn´t matter, you can try with BlackHole 3.0.1 F in flash ... or Open BlackHole 0.1 in flash ...

You can put Blackhole 3.0.1 in flash ... and boot too Blackhole 3.0.1 in Open Multiboot.


Flash Images:

Blackhole 3.0.1 or Open BlackHole 0.1

Note: BlackHole 2.1.7 when installed in flash ( has issues with Multiboot ).
I'm sorry, but I'm sorry for me...because I'm the only one that don't know to make work openmultiboot...look that snapshot, openpli and vti images installed in multiboot, and selected any of two images and reboot the box, it boots always from flash image, never with multiboot image. Then I only have to try with several bh versions... I dont know if its problem of pendrive, its a kingstone datatraveler 2.0, 16GB.

Have I to update firmware, the fpga or front processor? I bought the box in december. May it cause, not to be the firmware updated, the reason of the bad working of multiboot? I'm really lost, I'm sorry.
Have I to update firmware, the fpga or front processor? I bought the box in december. May it cause, not to be the firmware updated, the reason of the bad working of multiboot? I'm really lost, I'm sorry.

The only existent booloader upgrade, afaik, it's only to solve some issues, if you have experiencing troubles with ethernet connections.
If are not experiencing this, you don't need to upgrade your bootloader.

Although, you can try this:

1) - Boot from flash ( Blackhole 3.0.1 F or Open BlackHole 0.1 ).

2) - Use a FTP tool ... acess the media usb folders:

delete both folders:

located in --> /media/usb


3) - Reboot your STB.

Your STB ... should boot from FLASH.

4) - Acess the plugins MENU -- OpenMultiboot ... and set USB for handling OenMultiboot.

5) - Test the first image for booting:

5.1. - Download it from source and do this:

On your PC ... for example:

the image source name is -->

Try renaming it before FTP to /media/usb/OpenMultiboot-upload as:

Press Install on your RCU to install this

When the install finished ...

you should see on your screen 2 bootables images:


Try boot OpenPli-4.0 and wait until it's done ..... This will take about 10 minutes.

NOTE: This process must be done only from image installed in flash .

best regards
It should be work. Not to me. If Nobody else can test openmultiboot in a vu+ zero...

I see the file .nextboot inside and I check how it changes from flash to openpli before reboot. And after that, the box boots from the flash again but inside the file .nextboot openpli is still there...but the box has booted from flash. Don't understand anything, perhaps in my next life.
The problem is that no offers selection boot image menu at box booting. Openpli offers menu selection image on boot during 5 seconds. Thank you.
The problem is that no offers selection boot image menu at box booting. Openpli offers menu selection image on boot during 5 seconds. Thank you.

Why don´t start from the begining.


Don´t test "Italysat image neither OpenPlus image"

The Images tested are on the guide ....


1) - Iniatlize your USB pen drive.

2) - Map it as /media/usb

3) - Apply the Plugin and proceed.

If you don´t know how to ... follow my guide for Open Multiboot ... this is the same for BlackHole or Open Blackhole --> GUIDE
Yes I follow it, lots of times, and it works with pli on flash on my vuzero but not with blackhole in the flash. But openpli, on the other hand, shows the boot menu to select the image, but dont mount any image correctly, what has bh not has openpli and viceversa...
Yes I follow it, lots of times, and it works with pli on flash on my vuzero but not with blackhole in the flash. But openpli, on the other hand, shows the boot menu to select the image, but dont mount any image correctly, what has bh not has openpli and viceversa...

Just only one advice ... If you have an USB Pen with Open Multiboot ... don´t flash only your STB .... and then upon flashing don´t put the USB containing the Multiboot images ... because it will not work ...

1) - Flash the image in flash.
2) - Start Open Multiboot allways from scratch.