Overwritten recordings

It's almost impossible to delete a digital recording, it's like deleting software, or files, on your PC, it doesn't delete them merely removes the path, allowing space for them to be overwritten, which takes a long, long, time, and even then can be recovered.
Whatever is happening is more likely to be due to thew operator, than the image, unless you are using a third party plugin.
So far you have provided very little information.
Have you viewed these recordings, while they are being made?
Does the timer indicate that the recordings are being made?
Does the Timer menu show them as being done?
Are they listed in your recorded menu, while being recorded?
The more likely cause, rather than the recordings being deleted, is that they aren't being recorded.
Seeing as you can get them working, in Blackhole 3.0.2, stick to that image.
And please refrain from shouting, in future, that means do not post in capitals, ensure your capital lock is off, when posting, or if it was deliberate, please don't do it again.
I see now this tread, i have just reply on the same topic in this tread http://www.vuplus-community.net/board/threads/recording-overwrite-problem.34003/#post-235703
I have same problem as TBGetto with serial recording is written over. I can confirm that it is real, seen it live with observing the disk from ftp with filezilla. Possibly is there a fault in the function which is incrementing the day in the filename.
I use BH 3.0.4.A on Duo2 and Solo2.
I have been making serial recordings for years and accessed them with FileZilla, and used BH without problems for more than 2 years before now updated to BH 3.0.4.A.
Hope someone can solve this :)
I saw your post, in the other thread, and it now begins to make sense.
I doubt your recordings are being overwritten, but it looks like your file paths might be, so the recordings are no longer visible, only the file path to the last recording.
I can't confirm this as I'm using Open Blackhole, and never use the serial recording feature.
Until the file guys check the serial recording feature I would set your timers manually, if using the latest Blackhole.
Thank you for replaying Mick12334.

I have tested now with more repeated recordings on duo2 and solo2 BH 3.0.4.A.
Everything is working as far as the recordings are actually made repeated, and in Openwebif can I see that the next recording day is changed to next start and stop time after each recording is finish.
In BH timer menu I can only see the first start day of the repeated recording, that day is not advancing to the next day for start next recording, but stay permanent to the original start day of the recording series. But the recordings are made. And in the EPG I can see that there is the red mark in the EPG on all repeated recording days ahead. So all this is working just fine, as with BH witch I used before i installed BH 3.0.4.A. (So I have no experience with the BH images between them.)

But the crucial error is that the linux file name of the recordings stays the same for all of them. The day number in the filename is NOT incrementing, resulting all repeated recordings got exactly the same linux filename, and thus effectively erasing the recording made before the last ongoing recording. Resulting that only the last recording of a repeated (serial) recording is accessible.

Do you think someone i BH team, who can fix this, is aware of that series timer recording feature is possibly broken? Shall I write this in the BH 3.0.4 Solo2 or Duo2 tread, or would that be too much, as i am spamming, witch i don't wont to :) . I could go back to BH with I have full backup off, but then Crossepg would not work after recent changes of format Rytec files. I must say that BH have been a total pleasure, working flawlessly for 30 months for me, transcoding, or streaming 4 programs at same time, and once tried recording 12 programs on same time and it all worked. Never missed a recording. Big thanks to BH team :) :)
It might be a problem with the original coding, from vuplus, which the Blackhole image is based on.
Has anyone tried the latest vuplus image, to see if it works in that?
It should be a simple fix.
I have never used this feature, probably the same as many owners, so it might not have been noticed, and I now run Open Blackhole, and haven't tried it in that.
Have you tried Open Blackhole, to see if it works in that?
I have now installed latest vuplus original image vuplus-image-vusolo2-20170914165000_usb on my solo2, and so far it seems that serial (repeated) recordings will work, the start day for next recording i the timer menu is incrementing to the next recording day after the first recording is done. But have to wait until later today to see if it actually makes the next recording with correct linux filename.

And on my duo2 i have for first time installed Open BH, so far looks great after made big online update, took 10 min too finish. I will test, and write result in Duo2 or solo2 image 3.0.4 image tread if i still seems that serial (repeated) timer recording is broken in BH 3.0.4.A.
I have now tested serial timer recordings with vuplus original image vuplus-image-vusolo2-20170914165000_usb on solo2, and with Open BH 1.0.037 on duo2 an they both work.

So it looks like serial recording on BH 3.0.4.A is possibly broken on both solo2 and duo2, as every recording get the same linux filename (the day is not incrementing in the filename as next recording starts), and thus only the last recording in a series is accessible. Hope someone can fix this :)

But now I have learned to install Open BH , wich is working great, so I keep Open BH.
Thank you to BH team for the good software. :)
I'm really curious to try this situation but I have BH only in multiboot as I now switched to OBH almost definitively. Only I have almost no spare time these days but I'm sure you are right. So, if this issue is confirmed, this thread is very important to make BH team.
I can not confirm this
my test on ultimo 4K does not confirm your results.
look at my shot.
Please note that I did not delete the first recording.
(I do not know if this is important)
The date change in file names which is correct.
Both recordings are in the movie list and on HDD.
There is no bug.

I will try to test next days on duo 2.
it is possible that you have corrupted timer.xml file in /etc/enigma2/
Delete the file and test it again,
the timer will make a new file.


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Matrix10 , thank you for looking into this. I can not easy test it again because I now have Open BH installed, and not have the time to change back to BH 3.0.4A and test just now.

But I tested it on both solo2 and duo2, and as i wrote in another tread 10. oct this happen:

"With serial recording, the actual filename, the name you see when use ftp, is not increasing as days increase. So every recording got the same name on the HDD, and thus the new recording each day writes over the last one. I tested it be looking on the HDD with FileZilla (ftp).

Before today recording filename was : 20171009 2128 - DR1 HD - TV AVISEN.ts with time stamp last change was 9. oct 22:10. ( I set timer to start 2 min before program start and stop 15 min after, program is in epg from kl 21:30 - 21:55)
When today recording started at 10. oct 21:28 the filename remain the same "20171009 2128 - DR1 HD - TV AVISEN.ts" but time stamp last change was now 10. oct 21:28, and the filesize was changing to very small, so the big file from yesterday was for sure overwritten. As i can confirm by playing the file."

After I wrote that on the 10. oct, I inspected the file in windows, and the file had create date 9. oct, and last change day 10. oct - the day the next days recording started. So i seems that every days recording used the same filename. I tried to delete all timers and make new timers from epg, and later new timers from timer menu, and last new timers from webif. But same error, all serial recordings had same linux filename. I saw this on more than 5 different recordings. Used FileZilla to inspect.

Maybe problem is connected to wrong epg data. There was problem with the Danish epg, thank you Matrix10 for helping with solving that in another tread. The serial recordings wich I tested was Danish news programs on 0.8W. TV2News channel and DR1 (TV avisen).

And when i installed BH 3.0.4 i made a clean install and made all settings and timers manual.

I don't know why it happend, but i doubt it was user error, because i am used to do timer recording for years, and it happend on both solo2 and duo2, both installed clean, and all settings and timers made manuel, no timer files copy from earlier BH install.

Serial timer recording worked on vuplus original image vuplus-image-vusolo2-20170914165000_usb on solo2, but there I only tested it with with actually the same program as you 20171013 1900 - ZDF HD - heute.ts and next day serial recording file got name 20171014 1900 - ZDF HD - heute.ts. I should have tested it with the same Danish news channels as was error on BH 3.0.4A. :)

I can say that it works great on Open BH. :)
Programming for the timer is not changed for a very very long time,
and is the same as in VU + Git ,so there can not be problem.

I can only imagine the problem in the program satellite information or the wrong date and time .

In addition my tests on Duo2 and Ultimo 4K
do not confirm the problem with the image timer,
to emphasize programmed with the remote directly on the receiver.
All recording was given a date in file names.
(serial and non-serial recording)
I agree with you. If timer programming software is not changed for a long time, my problem must be elsewhere. I think it is wise to wait and see if others have experience this problem. If not, then do no more digging into this. Thank you for helping in too see if there is a general problem. Maybe I later test again, if so I will test both danish channels and ZDF serial timer recording on both BH 3.0.4A and latest original Vuplus image. :)
I have this problem too. How do you guys fetch your EPGs? maybe that could be the problem? i fetch mine from TV 4 Film 11.247 GHz, POL V
whoa. mocked about in settings last night and did a online update to 5.0.5.A. either the update or one of the things i did in settings seems to fix the problem.
Go to: main menu->setup->system->recording paths make sure they all is set to /hdd/movie/ (exept timeshift that is /media/hdd/) or where ever you weant them to record. not "save to standard location" witch is default.
I think that is the only thing i changed. if none of them work give me a shout and ill go through all my settings.