Matrix10 , thank you for looking into this. I can not easy test it again because I now have Open BH installed, and not have the time to change back to BH 3.0.4A and test just now.
But I tested it on both solo2 and duo2, and as i wrote in another tread 10. oct this happen:
"With serial recording, the actual filename, the name you see when use ftp, is not increasing as days increase. So every recording got the same name on the HDD, and thus the new recording each day writes over the last one. I tested it be looking on the HDD with FileZilla (ftp).
Before today recording filename was : 20171009 2128 - DR1 HD - TV AVISEN.ts with time stamp last change was 9. oct 22:10. ( I set timer to start 2 min before program start and stop 15 min after, program is in epg from kl 21:30 - 21:55)
When today recording started at 10. oct 21:28 the filename remain the same "20171009 2128 - DR1 HD - TV AVISEN.ts" but time stamp last change was now 10. oct 21:28, and the filesize was changing to very small, so the big file from yesterday was for sure overwritten. As i can confirm by playing the file."
After I wrote that on the 10. oct, I inspected the file in windows, and the file had create date 9. oct, and last change day 10. oct - the day the next days recording started. So i seems that every days recording used the same filename. I tried to delete all timers and make new timers from epg, and later new timers from timer menu, and last new timers from webif. But same error, all serial recordings had same linux filename. I saw this on more than 5 different recordings. Used FileZilla to inspect.
Maybe problem is connected to wrong epg data. There was problem with the Danish epg, thank you Matrix10 for helping with solving that in another tread. The serial recordings wich I tested was Danish news programs on 0.8W. TV2News channel and DR1 (TV avisen).
And when i installed BH 3.0.4 i made a clean install and made all settings and timers manual.
I don't know why it happend, but i doubt it was user error, because i am used to do timer recording for years, and it happend on both solo2 and duo2, both installed clean, and all settings and timers made manuel, no timer files copy from earlier BH install.
Serial timer recording worked on vuplus original image vuplus-image-vusolo2-20170914165000_usb on solo2, but there I only tested it with with actually the same program as you 20171013 1900 - ZDF HD - heute.ts and next day serial recording file got name 20171014 1900 - ZDF HD - heute.ts. I should have tested it with the same Danish news channels as was error on BH 3.0.4A.
I can say that it works great on Open BH.