I've been testing OBH and its a great image, a lot faster than the regular BH images. You can notice this fastness in xbmc for example.
2 major things missing:
- Panic Button I can't find this menu I had this working on the regular BH. I don't think it's that difficult to have on this one. I had 0 key as panic button.
- OpenVPN as a couple of major errors.
If anyone is using it you can fix by having to running every time o reboot the machine go to telnet and restart OpenVPN process.
It's actually isn't running but t will start it and after that is working very well.
This a major bug and I think easily fixed.
- Parental Control is not 100%. It's missing the blacklist menu where we can pick the channel we want to add to blacklist.
I'm missing the 2 features is mentioned panic button and OpenVPN (I'm tired of having to go telnet every time box reboots.
Great work in this image it's pure enigma2 and its the way to go.
Support 100%
I've been testing OBH and its a great image, a lot faster than the regular BH images. You can notice this fastness in xbmc for example.
2 major things missing:
- Panic Button I can't find this menu I had this working on the regular BH. I don't think it's that difficult to have on this one. I had 0 key as panic button.
- OpenVPN as a couple of major errors.
If anyone is using it you can fix by having to running every time o reboot the machine go to telnet and restart OpenVPN process.
It's actually isn't running but t will start it and after that is working very well.
This a major bug and I think easily fixed.
- Parental Control is not 100%. It's missing the blacklist menu where we can pick the channel we want to add to blacklist.
I'm missing the 2 features is mentioned panic button and OpenVPN (I'm tired of having to go telnet every time box reboots.
Great work in this image it's pure enigma2 and its the way to go.
Support 100%