Password openwebif


Vu+ Newbie

What is the password to openwebif for open Black hole to vu+ duo2

I changed authorization http and i don't have a password

(I don't have pilot to reciever, i use only phone)

Paweł K.

What is the password to openwebif for open Black hole to vu+ duo2

I changed authorization http and i don't have a password

(I don't have pilot to reciever, i use only phone)

Paweł K.

No password.

Leave the password field empty.

best regards
If your OpenWebif connection asks for the password,may be you are enabled https. Change it in Plugins > OpenWebif settings
I find. Password Don't empty, look there menu - settings - system - network And in password setup i van change the pasword to openwebif. First i have password: 96hg4... Not normal :/
i have same problem,without auth i am not able to inter outside mijn network he just ask me user en password and they are not the ftp login.
This means you did not install an original image but a backup; or someone else gave the box to you preinstalled. As Nunigaia already told, there is NO PASSWORD in the original images.
This is the default! It doesn't mean you cannot access your box.
I have the same setting and no problem to access it. LOCAL access it says, not ANY access.
Anyway, try to disable OpenWebIf, restart GUI, then re-enable it.
What happens if you simply type your box's IP in your browser?
i dont have problem with local access. mijn problem is when i try outside my network ,
i had no problem before updating.
with this sitting above when i typ mijn ip adres i get (forbidden 403.6 ip address rejected),if i enable Http auth and type mijn ip my browser they ask me username username en password to get webif , i tried ftp username and password but no luck
What location do I need to change the configuration file with OpenWebif login data? I have access to the FTP connection.
i dont have problem with local access. mijn problem is when i try outside my network ,
i had no problem before updating.
with this sitting above when i typ mijn ip adres i get (forbidden 403.6 ip address rejected),if i enable Http auth and type mijn ip my browser they ask me username username en password to get webif , i tried ftp username and password but no luck

I'm in this same situation.
Did you solve that?
I am also the same, with black hole recently installed and updated online. impossible to enter from outside with my username and password. What I can do ?

Outside from your network? You must authorize in OpenWebif via plugin browser.

best regards
I also don't know how to access to openwebif when I change http authorization. I try root and empty like ftp without success. This on the local network. In network there isn't password changing option. May be in other menu.