Please help LyngBox


Vu+ Newbie
مساء الخير شباب
أريد أن أعرف كل شيء عن الجهاز
أود أن أعرف كيفية التحديث وما هي البرامج المستخدمة
الجهاز يعمل على برنامج (e2-20121017-2)
وأريد أحدث البرامج
وطريقة التحديث
good afternoon guys
I want to know everything about the device
I would like to know how to update and what programs are used
The device runs on software (e2-20121017-2)
And I want the latest software
And the update method
Thank you
This video is from 15 years ago, so I don't know how old your receiver is, or if there's a later model.
technology moves on very quickly, so 15 years is a long time, especially in television.
This video is from 15 years ago, so I don't know how old your receiver is, or if there's a later model.
technology moves on very quickly, so 15 years is a long time, especially in television.
I know this well
But I am asking about converting well other than these to accept applications and change the basic form and take full advantage of this device
I doubt that you can, as it doesn't look like open software, which is when other people, can write software, for the receiver, like Linux based receivers.
You can try and find the manufacturer, and contact them, but the hardware might not even be HD compatible, thus practically useless.