problem in installing multiboot

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Vu+ Newbie
hi all

I have followed the explanation ( install multiboot )

Everything good

But the solo stopped at the installation image

Took more than one hour

i restart the solo

and Through FTP

i Found that the folder


is empty

What problem?
i Found that the folder


is empty

What problem?

After installing image, MeoBoot deletes the .nfi file from MbootUpload directory.

By MeoBoot menu, try to verify if the image is installed.
If all has gone in right way during the image installation, you should be able to select the new image and restart the box by the same menu.
any idea ?
Something has gone wrong.

What image did you try to install?

Anyway, to verify the right working of MeoBoot, you can try to install another image.
To be sure that image is compatible, you can install the same BlackHole 1.3.9.
This is not dreambox forum but VUplus forum.
Therefore, this issue has nothing to do with VUplus
BH images and MeoBoot.
I have already said we do not give on this forum support for Dreambox images.
Meoboot is not made for dreambox multiboot.
I shall therefore close this topic.
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