Problem with OSD settings in BH2.0.1


Vu+ User
Thanks for another great image. One thing I've noticed on my Vu+ Uno:

On the OSD settings screen (Blue, Blue, OSD Settings), items listed are:
1. Disable Lite Infobar
2. Show Infobar on Event Change
3. Enable Panic

When you go into OSD Setup by pressing Red, item 2 and 3 are reversed:
1. Disable Lite Infobar
2. Enable Panic
3. Show Infobar on Event Change

So if you set "Show Infobar on Event Change" to "yes", when you save and go back to OSD Settings it shows "Enable Panic" as being enbled, not "Show Infobar".


BH Lover
The list is exactly the same for me before and after pressing the red button. "Enable panic button 0" is second in both lists, so there is no problem enabling anything...

It was the same even before updating to rev.A..

Very strange what is happening to your case...


Vu+ User
Here are the screenshots showing what I mean:




Vu+ User
Thanks - it's correct with the default skin as in your screenshots. I've tried a couple of Matrix10's OE2 skins and both have the same issue as in my screenshots:
EclipseHD_B_HC and MX_HC1


This is not a problem but a small cosmetic bug
that does not affect the performance and functions of image.

It is a mistake in skin coding
In some skins (not in all) I forgot to correct coding in this panel
which was changed in BH 2.0.x
In the next update will be corrected.
But this not negatively effect the operation of image
it's just a cosmetic info .OSD Setup is essential.
there is another cosmetic bug in all skins
but not in the skin coding
it is" no timeout" in Infobar Hide .
I'll ask coder for correction .

Skin X1 and X2 have good coding