Problem with streaming on BH 3.0.2J


Vu+ Newbie
On the latest version of BH i can not stream an http / rmtp/ m3u8 because it freeze after couple of seconds always. Its the same using LiveStream or if i create bouquets. I think Its Related to Old version of gstreamer. There is not an issue in Open Black Hole, where There is new version of gstreamer but last OBH hangs few Times so i prefere to use official BH. Does someone has the same problem. ? How to fix it ? Is there a way to update gstreamer? Please advise.
It is not a question gstreamer, but more than that
for now the only solution is to use Open Black Hole image.
Thank You for an answer. Unfortunetly i Have installed OBH latest but it hang/crash few Times so thats why i wanted to go back to official BH . Ok I will wait. Question is If to fix it its a Question of days/ weeks/ oraz maybe months? Regards
I have the same problem. BH_3.0.2.0 J. Streams m3u8 after a while it stops, press OK the video plays back on, then stops again. And so constantly.
So far no fix. I Have tryied as this was advised to go to OBH but its a buggy so i wait. So far there is no answer how long we need to wait, means if its question of days weeks or months. I Have tested other image VTI and streaming works on this image but BH is definitevly better, nice and pretty so i decide to wait with BH onboard for the New update hoping thats streaming issue will be solved .
From all images, blak hole I like. All the problem is in gstreamer BH_3.0.2.0 installed gstreamer version 1.0
gstreamer1.0" The necessary gstreamer 1.9. Is it possible to import it BH_3.0.2.0
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In Kodi there is the same problem. I was hoping that with new upgrade 3.0.3 problem can be solved but so far people are claiming new version with some bug(s) so I will waitn with upgrade till those bugs would be solved.
Can anyone in 3.0.3 BH check if Streaming from Bouquets work ?
BH_3.0.3.C The problem remained. Stops m3u8 video. Press OK' then plays, then stops again and so constantly.
Excactly. And so far no solution for this one and only advise was to switch to Open Black Hole but i dont want to . I wanted to stay with Black Hole, wbić is stable. Also in OBH this kind of streamig was buggy. So i hope sooner or later there will be a solution for this .
Hallelujah! With the release of BH_3.0.3.E. The problem with stopping video m3u8 disappeared! Now video plays perfectly. Thanks to the developers. BH beautiful image!
Pkowalski try to update the image.
Hello Evkaz
I have made update yesteday evening. I can confirm that this updated image finally solved the issue. So m3u streams works without problem. I join to thanks and congratulations to BH developers for Their fantastic job. Well done.

Hallelujah! With the release of BH_3.0.3.E. The problem with stopping video m3u8 disappeared! Now video plays perfectly. Thanks to the developers. BH beautiful image!
Pkowalski try to update the image.