Problem with the recording on the external hard drive

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Vu+ Newbie
I had a problem with the recording on the external hard drive (Vu+ Zero)
the adjustment of the device is correct. Timeshift works well, but if I start recording, the new file is created. but I can not see the media player, if I import the * .ts file on my PC, I can see it.

with Version 2.1.7, recording works well, but there are other bugs. with all versions 3.X.X still I find this problem

Does someone has the same problem, a solution ??
I had a problem with the recording on the external hard drive (Vu+ Zero)
the adjustment of the device is correct. Timeshift works well, but if I start recording, the new file is created. but I can not see the media player, if I import the * .ts file on my PC, I can see it.

with Version 2.1.7, recording works well, but there are other bugs. with all versions 3.X.X still I find this problem

Does someone has the same problem, a solution ??

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best regards
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