Request Problemone

Soory for write in English but i think you talking about problem who is on my box too.
Im today im add Thor to my dish and ….

I have zero4k and OBh image and when im try watching Thor and bouquets [ digitv/canal digital norway ] i have on alot chanells n/a.
I dont know why becouse signal around 100% and setup satelite Thor/intelsat 0.8w.
Some chanells on this satelite when im seleckt he, he change his status from n/a to chanells.
But 80% from digitv and canal digital no .
Im see only info " Service unavilable . Check tuner configuration "
Why don't you do a (real), manual scan choosing the option YES about deleting before scanning? I bet everything will be set up.
Why don't you do a (real), manual scan choosing the option YES about deleting before scanning? I bet everything will be set up.
Friend i have 7 satelite is hard all scan evry day.
Best for me is used vaniball setting with add 1 my bouqaute.
Problem is intristing becouse only in digitv and Canal Norway from thor is problem.
On Thor is K-band and C-band maybe this is problem becouse on setting i have only thor/intelsat.
But it's happened so many times that presettings cause problems that's the only way to check where's the problem (although I'm sure it's in the automatic settings).
You don't have to scan 7 satellites if you have an issue only in one of them and, for the future, you don't need to scan even a single satellite each time you want to search for new channels: once you have done a complete scan today, now and then you can check by or lyngsat if there are any new channels and add them by a very quick manual scan of that single transponder: 5 seconds of waiting ;)