andrew bertram
Vu+ Newbie
Ive put a usb stick in front port double blue device manager says searchin for devices the goes onto green screen error needs to be restarted any advice ?
Ive put a usb stick in front port double blue device manager says searchin for devices the goes onto green screen error needs to be restarted any advice ?
What u mean post a crashlog
Im havein problems connectin to my box off laptop i did a try and test password and says its connected but then when i go to dreambox screen and click file open it just comes up with c-drive etc nothin on my box
You don't want dreambox edit mate that's just for channels etc you want vucc or DCCYes mate founf my ip address on network addapter settings then enterd tha into dreambox edit clicked test password says ok connected but then i go onto file open and no files or nufin on my box