Setting up Network connection


Vu+ Newbie
I need to set up a wifi network connection on my VU+ Duo. I can get it to scan for networks and it shows me my Bravia TV, my HP Printer and our own network "cat" which is encrypted with a password for all our other wifi devices (IPhones, IPads, printer etc). So far so good.
When I select "cat", and it changes back to the setup menu, beneath that name, it says "Unencrypted", so I presume I need to change it to "Encrypted".
It then asks me for the password, and that's where the problem lies. Attempting to enter the 25 letter and numbers password which our network uses is a nightmare on the vu+ remote. I try to start with the letter k and it shows me jjk, so I have to delete those three letters and try again. I was in tears trying to get the second letter in. It is absolutely impossible. I can't use one of those wifi remote apps on my phone because they use wifi, which my vu+ still doesn't have.
It is so horribly frustrating.
Is there any other way I can set up wifi without having to use the remote control buttons for the letters and numbers of the password ?
This is not T9!!!
You can’t just press a key once. To get the k you must press jkl twice and without waiting long after first press, otherwise it will type the j.
So, to write “c” you must press the key “abc” 3 times quickly.
But, of course, if you connected a USB keyboard, as Mick suggested, it’d be much easier.
Alex: I know that you have to press "j" twice to get to the k. But although I have four spare remotes for the VU+ (the up/down buttons wear out very quickly, so I buy replacements), no matter how much I try and no matter how quickly I press the button to move it, it either takes the first j and then a k or even shows jkk.
I do have a small usb keyboard, "Etide Powerbank with mini Bluetooth keyboard for mobile phone and more" which is shown on the front albeit with an IPhone-like connector from it to a phone, but it also has a usb socket. I can try that.
Do I need to enable it anywhere in a menu on the VU+ ?
My dear son-in-law (The saviour of many of my problems) is coming round later this evening, so he can perhaps help.
This means your replacements are not good, because this is how a VU+ original remote works.
No BT or other system: just a basic USB Keyboard; and no: you don't need to configure anything.
So, if your keyboard has got also a USB connection, that's all you need.
The small USB keyboard might not be recognized, as the driver might not be available.
If you have a PC, and not just a laptop, check the keyboard, on that, it might be a USB connection.
Thanks for the information.
My replacement remotes are usually bought from a VU+ dealer in England. They cost more than the Chinese knockoffs but they appear to wear out the up-down buttons very quickly. The one which came with my VU+ when I bought it new, genuine and boxed, wore out the up-down buttons within a year.
I was going to see if I had a USB keyboard in my "computer spares" corner of the loft, but thought I would try again to enter the password using that blasted remote and saw a little blue rectangle at the bottom of the screen, marked TEXT. Aha... I thought. It was where the yellow button usually is, so I pressed yellow. Nothing. OK, why do they call it TEXT ? On the offchance I tried the Teletext button on the remote (on the left between the "TV" button above it and "EPG" button beneath it). Yay!!! The virtual keyboard appeared. Entered the looooong password then looked for the save button. Nowhere. The door with the left-pointing arrow at bottom left perhaps ? No - that deleted everything in one foul swoop and took me back to the settings page. OK, start again.. entered the password.. now what ? Green button for "GO!"? Yes ! And there was my password in the right place... I think this is now going to work. AND I can now see the VU's new IP address (we changed providers in June and everything appears to have a new IP)...
The quest continues but at least I am a step further...
This is surely because you use chinese alternative remotes... ;)
Never had such problems with original ones :)
And, yes: GREEN always means OK in our images, although very often you can just press OK.
No, Alex, I never knowingly buy Chinese knockoffs of anything. The VU+ dealer in England assured me that the ones I have bought from him are genuine and original. And as I wrote above, they were always a lot more expensive than the ones on ebay.
The wifi is working fine now and I have more or less got my new IPad/IPhone app "VPLUSTV" working, albeit with HTTP authentication off. I need to ask a question about adding my VU+Control Centre and DreamBoxEdit password to OpenWebif because it's not accepting it.
Thanks to everyone for their help so far.