Skin for vu solo ?


Vu+ Newbie
What skin can be used for a vu solo with BH 2.0.9, which allows to see the picons in the channel list?
What skin can be used for a vu solo with BH 2.0.9, which allows to see the picons in the channel list?

The image you are referring to is no more supported, though install the lastest BlackHole 3.0.9 image!

best regards
But I have a problem
When I install version 3.0.9 in the flash of my vu Solo, I can hardly do anything because the Vu becomes very slow since the flash is almost full.
That's why I have to use this old version
Could you help me?
But I have a problem
When I install version 3.0.9 in the flash of my vu Solo, I can hardly do anything because the Vu becomes very slow since the flash is almost full.
That's why I have to use this old version
Could you help me?

If you pay some attention ( big attention ) to threads already posted, you have an answer for all:

1) Your STB is very old, regarding hardware ( flash memory, processor, etc ... ).

2) You might use Open Multiboot!

3) Flash your STB with per example ( Open BlackHole ( lastest release )) - i.e. ( with the minimal settings ), and only just for booting, to not fill up your flash memory.

4) Use Open Multiboot to unpack other images, and then you will have lots of space for installing what you want and run for example: BlackHole 3.0.9 image

best regards

Note: This was previously higher recommended.