Solo2 Display

salut les amis vous pouverz me dire si je peut faire defiler lafichage lecd du solo2 merci


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Ne pas demander la même chose à plusieurs endroits
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it works! editing the lcd screen
but with InfoBarSummary

<screen name="InfoBarSummary" position="0,0" size="132,64" id="1">
<widget source="global.CurrentTime" render="Label" position="0,0" size="132,64" font="Regular;50" halign="center" valign="center">
<convert type="ClockToText">Format:%H:%M:%S-%h.%d</convert>

hi mate am Spanish and I bought a vusolo2've seen what you've resolved to see the lcd clock Might I spend to replace skin on mine thanks vusolo2 forgive the translation is from google