Well isn't that a -"transcode feature" then the ability to switch it on/off.
Or are you aware of other boxes that have transcoding built in ???
Correct. A switcher that doesn't start ny software but enable or disable the hw transcode.
What I mean is that transcode without any possibility to customize it, is more or less useless.
For many people, 500kbps are too much, for other people is too low.
It's just a software trancoder that doesn't accept any parameter... useless.
I'll be happy to change my mind, also because I bought a Solo2 for this reason, but at today the transcoding feature is uncomplete.
Vu+ is working on transcoding http://www.vuplus-community.net/board/threads/transcodingsetup-add-bitrate-framerate-support.13168/
Thanks Paolino, I was reading the same post just after posted here...
I HOPE, transcode is a nice feature, CPU can do it well, why don't work a little bit more on its code ?
I'm not from Vu+, but my opinion is, that it's more important to finish Duo2 and next to work on transcoding for both boxes together, to have more informations about transcoding from Duo2 users too. You can see in python.py, that bitrate will be adjustable from 100 to 500.
I think, that you can already try it with Vu+ official image (or in few days).
I really hope the solo2 wont be forgotten, there are many more solo2 owners at present we need new drivers as well.I missed one zero, 5000. But now only for Duo2 new drivers.
so this 25000 what kinda framrate is that ??
config.plugins.transcodingsetup.framerate = ConfigSelection(default = "30000", choices = [ ("23976", _("23976")), ("24000", _("24000")), ("29970", _("29970")), ("30000", _("30000")), ("59940", _("59940")), ("60000", _("60000"))])
Take a look again please to this line of code from new drivers:
30000 means 30.000 fps (NTSC), 23976 means 23.976 (used for HD in USA), 24.000 means 24.000 fps (HD movies), 29970 means 29.970 (NTSC).
Higher values are for interlaced video.
I'm not a python expert, but I'm sure that 25000 (25.000 fps for PAL) and 50000 (50.000 fps for interlaced PAL) are completely missed out.
I hope that new drivers, as cribber wrote, will be available also for Solo2, and that will be ebabled transcode for external tuners (DVB-C or DVB-T on USB) and for recorded files, not only for Live TV.
Also, framerate setting is nice, but I prefere to have a choice between different frame resolutions, to costomize transcode for different mobile devices.
1080p @ 30fps or 60fps will just the same in the USA, Asia, Europe, etc etc.
Tablets, pc's and smartphones are not tv's and therefore the ntsc and pal standard won't effect them anyway.
This is wrong.
1080p@30 or 60i doesn't exist in EU.
We use 1080p/25 for Media or 1080/50i for Broadcasting.
Exactly like in the past where NTSC is 30fps and PAL is 25fps.
This is related to the AC frequency:220V/50Hz in EU (25 or 50 fps), 210/60Hz for USA (30 or 60 fps).
About tablets, smatphone etc etc... you're right, they don'yt need a coorect fps like TVs but... if you transcode a 25fps (SD) or a 1080/50i (HD) from a broadcaster in EU to 30fps, 29.97.... you'll have a wrong transcode due to the wrong timebase coding. To correctly transcode a 30fps to 25fps you need to do an Inverse telecine, but this is too complicated for a CPU like Broadcom to be done in realtime, even if you use a 5 seconds of buffering.
Same ting about the screen resolution, the same for HD, completely different for SD, we use 720x576.
This is really bad news for us solo2 owners.remember that bit/frame rate options can be used only in duo2.
the solo2 hardware is limited in transcoding and doesn't allow these options.