my bold, colour and underlining :
Yes very interesting, needs to wait an image update or a fix will be available like transcoding on SOLO² ?
Thanks the team
my bold, colour and underlining :
hello friends iam new here in forum i want to purchase solo2 or duo2 ...i want to use transcoding option on tablet pc with good channel result so plz suggest me which box is best??? i want to buy solo2 becuase its cheap if we compare duo2 but solo2 did not perform this function well then i go for duo2 so plz reply quick
both use HW transcoding. If You dont belive me, watch cpu usage when transcoding working.
All key features like pip, multiple streaming, transcoding etc. is hw.
transcoding engine is a part of soc, so You cant see it in yor box like other chips.Thanks guys for updating my knowleges. I'm going to open Solo2 right now to check the version of chip.
If you had install the modules from the link that you liked (thanks btw!) before the plugin update, you had that setting. After the update, MY SOLO2 transcode bitrate has also limited at 1Mbps...
look at post #100. from the first i notice the issue with the framerate at the new drivers on Solo2 and i inform for that..![]()
there has been several driver and image updates since the post you are quoting, perhaps upgrade to latest image and that feature is by design in image asis.
Hi Petran,
tried to make my solo2 transcoding with 5mps too - changed modules and - did i missunderstud something?
(reading in english more than an hour makes my brain smoking)
I have bitrate 400000 framerate 30000 and upload band 1 MB. As I said, when I am in my private network it works, when I am over the internet I see a frame every 10 seconds.... I have vu+solo2Hello my friend,
i encountered the same problem at first setting up mu duo2 , but now i can assure that latest BH is very stable, i am pretty sure that there might still be a problem with
the setup of your transcoding setup, i put Bitrate 1000000 and framerate 60000 and eveything is workin' fine , i have to say that my isp bandwith at home where is my vu+duo2
is 0,200 kbps upload and 2mbps download and never seen so stable, one only thing that is missing according to me is that when you are inside webif interface you still can't see
on the channelist wich are the channel available to zap on, the way if you were in front of your receiver where you can see channel available in White color and the non available
greyed, but for the rest i am very satisfied . do not forget to restart your receiver when changing your transcoding setup.
Hi Petran,
i solved the problem on its root and bought a duo2 (solo2 back to amazon)!