Sound Drop Problem on not HD Channels


Vu+ Newbie

I use a VU+ Solo SE with a Yamaha RX-1020 video amp, connected with an HDMI cable.
When I change the channel I lost sound but only when I change to a not HD Channel. If I restart the box the sound come back.
I think it's a problem of HDMI / Sound Setting but I can't manage to find any clue to solve the problem.
If someone can help...


I use a VU+ Solo SE with a Yamaha RX-1020 video amp, connected with an HDMI cable.
When I change the channel I lost sound but only when I change to a not HD Channel. If I restart the box the sound come back.
I think it's a problem of HDMI / Sound Setting but I can't manage to find any clue to solve the problem.
If someone can help...


Disable Dolby Digital Downmix and enable Dolby Digital Default option