Start channel

Maybe you meant: is it normal that, each time the box is switched off manually or because of a black-out, it starts with the channels it was on at that moment?
Bring up the channel list, select a channel, you want to start up with, press menu, and select set service as start up, or something like that.

if you start up from standby it should always be on the channel you were last viewing.
Bring up the channel list, select a channel, you want to start up with, press menu, and select set service as start up, or something like that.

if you start up from standby it should always be on the channel you were last viewing.

Yes it is possible to define a particular channel at startup... but if you have a rotating parabolic and do not want it to turn to the channel set after starting motivated by lack of energy, how do you do it? It's that the antenna, at the moment, may be pointing to another "side"...

Well, a UPS is the first idea:eek:! But I remembered another: even though I do not have C or T is to get a channel from one of these in the channel list and set it to start.

Sometimes the receiver may not boot on the last channel that was visualizing in the case of lack of energy...