static ip address

Set up uno with static ip address by first setting up with DHCP to get all addresses, then knocked off DHCP and set up static address. The reason i stopped DHCP was that i was getting cut off access so often.
To me, the easiest way to have a static IP address on your VU+ stb is the following:
1) log on to your VU+ STB as root with telnet or SSH
2) issue 'ifconfig -a' without the quotes at command promt and write down the HWaddr of interface eth0, this is your MAC address
3) configure your VU+ for DHCP (YES, this is not a mistake!)
4) Log on to the device of your LAN on which DHCP server runs. Most of the time, this is your Internet router.
5) Go to the DHCP server settings and map the MAC address of your VU+ STB to an IP address of your choice.
6) Save your config canges on the DHCP, restart your DHCP server and restart the network of your VU+ STB (or reboot it).

Hope this helps...
Which address do i change on the uno to act as a static address.

Static address is your externqal/public ip address . If you want to change it, you need to contact your ISP unless you can't change it . If you want to change your dynamic ip address, use the following steps :
1)Go to Start->Run->Cmd and Press Enter..Type in "ipconfig/release" for Current IP address and then type "ipconfig/renew" for New IP address.2)Either follow step 1 or Simply restart or unplug your modem/router .Doing either step 1 or 2 will change your Dynamic IP address. After changing your ip, you can check whether new ip is assigned or not by using
@Matrix 10

Do I understand properly that if I do a new flash on my vu solo se then I do not need to use a password to ftp?
thanks for reply as this would help me a lot?