Streaming from Ultimo to PC/VLC


Vu+ Newbie
Can anyone help me with the settings to stream channels to my PC from my Ultimo....

I have tried:

Open Wedif and select the channel
this creates a stream.m3u file that VLC opens but I then get an error message from VLC :
>>>Your input can't be opened:
>>>VLC is unable to open the MRL ' - BBC One HD'. Check the log for details.

I have the port set on Webif to 00080

I have no problem streaming recordings from the Ultimo to my PC/VLC I just click them on the Ultimo HDD works fine but I cannot stream the channels to PC
Yes I'm specifying the port when I start Webif. I have set the port in Webif 's config to 00080 I have started it by 192.168.1.xx:80 and 192.168.1.xx:00080 but still no luck.

I have opened port 8001 in the router but I dont think it is anything to do with the router while it is on the internal network?

Can someone confirm that has this working on an Ultimo using VLC that the link to it is correct: and if there are any settings in VLC that are needed to stream over the network. I have also tried disabling the firewall - still the same error message.

I have tried streaming while the box is on standby and also streaming the current channel..... no luck, but I have no problem streaming recorings from the box to VLC on my pc, its only live chammels....
Well guys I could not get this to work at all....

I finally decided to uninstall VLC and install the new version

Works fine now......
I have used Dreambox VLC Streamer prog for a while on my 800 HD and I am now using it on my new VU+ Duo with no problems. It allows you change channels and satellites from your PC.
I am trying to attach the file. In my own PC I have changed the name to 'VU+ VLC Streamer' but the author probably prefers it to stay as written.