Subtitle Player 3.05

Yes it works but with a Irritating bug.
Please read previews posts .

That I have seen it. I really think that this is not a big bug and I have not noticed in everyday use but I believe that Damien will fix it in next version.
What is the situation with this detail on the 3.02 version?


Option "5" can not work when we play movie from HDD ?
Option "5" can not work when we play movie from HDD ?
Option 5 is working (you have list of subtitle lines) but plugin can not read EPG and do the time adjustment - you have to do it mannualy.
On hdd recordings I use button 7 which jumps on exact place where you leave last time.
FANTASTIC, thank you very much.
The trick is to copy the srt file in the same folder as the .mkv movie and it should be named same as the movie, works brilliantly.
Hey everyone,
i'm a newbie concerning the deal with VU+, and i have crash screen too while using subtitles player and i want to know how to make the swap.
Thank you
same problem 'anacondama' crash green screen and reboot using the BH 1.6.2 on VU+SOLO and i don't know what is the role of using a swap file. :)
Swap is using to lets call it "expanding of " RAM.
Swap space in Linux is used when the amount of physical memory (RAM) is full. If the system needs more memory resources and the RAM is full swap becomes active.

In our case epg is main problem which overloads RAM and when you use a plugin who needs greater amount of RAM like subtitle player if swap is not active you have crash (green screen) like you have.

In BH images you have a swap panel ( 2 x blue button I think) and there you make 128 mb of swap on usb stick or hdd (stick is better).
Before making of swap you must mount media (stick or hdd) on which swap will be.
Yes, You give to him very good explain but he must to know that SWAP is much slower then RAM and when box use SWAP it give slow down. So for me it is not a good solution. I use now plugin for free memory (LSK,have in section plugins) and that is better way for me.
Thanks Zupy and Dzoni it's actually a very good explaination, I think that I will try both solutions to see wich is the best. Just a precision: Swap file doesn't work only when the ram is full so even if swap is slower than RAM It's not going to slow my VU ?
Thanks Zupy and Dzoni it's actually a very good explaination, I think that I will try both solutions to see wich is the best. Just a precision: Swap file doesn't work only when the ram is full so even if swap is slower than RAM It's not going to slow my VU ?

You can see all in system info (blue button/yellow),when SWAP starting to work box use that memory and starting to slow down. Off course if use 1-5% SWAP You can not to feel it,but when percent is higher You will feel it.
You can see all in system info (blue button/yellow),when SWAP starting to work box use that memory and starting to slow down. Off course if use 1-5% SWAP You can not to feel it,but when percent is higher You will feel it.
Thanks so i'll try the plugin. I wish that is going to work :)
Hey pals,
The plugin crashs after the end of the movie or the serie show ... there is any solution for that problem?
i made a 256 Mo Swap file and the problem still there.
Thank you
i'm using VTi 3.0 image
Never have a problem like that hmm....
Is crash happens always or just on some subtitles??
Put here a crash log...
I installed the aplication. I find and download any subtitle, and then it has somekind of crash. After the download immidiately I get the message: "Invalid type of zip/rar ?" which dissapears after 3 sec and the the up-left corner message: "Please wait!"
Also, if a press the Red Button for "File manager" the default download folder "/etc/ddsubt" is emty and I don't have anything to erase (for space) or run in it. But, in the main window I have the downloaded srt, and if I hit the Blue Button for "Run" I get the freezed message "Subtitle player by DD" and all aplication goes to a halt. Nothing happens, don't matter how much I wait.
Please help, what do I do wrong.
Thank you.
the pluggin is no more working with me
i flashed the device, and reinstalled it, but still buggin when downloading the subtitles
please confirm if it's working well
the pluggin is no more working with me
i flashed the device, and reinstalled it, but still buggin when downloading the subtitles
please confirm if it's working well
by me is working, try to uninstall and reinstall it.
you find it in bh addon server