SVDownloader v4.2

1) Yes

2) Try to re install the plug-in!

Correct...Once re-installed, I would also suggest deliting all settings before proceding with a clean download using the plugin.
Sometimes settings get corrupted and it's a big mess to use the plugin properly.
thanks for the replies, guys
alfa_omega, how do I clean up the setting? I tried to press the blue button for a long time, he says: log clean, is right?
then before re-instal svdownloader i try to delete it, i go in :
addons uninstal pannel >RemoveSVdownloader.del> ok...... addons succesfully removed.
i have reboot BH on my VU+ solo, but the plugin svdownloader yet installed again :-/ , there is another way to remove it?
....however, if I install sv by the plugin manager ... not solve my problem
thanks for the replies, guys
alfa_omega, how do I clean up the setting? I tried to press the blue button for a long time, he says: log clean, is right?
then before re-instal svdownloader i try to delete it, i go in :
addons uninstal pannel >RemoveSVdownloader.del> ok...... addons succesfully removed.
i have reboot BH on my VU+ solo, but the plugin svdownloader yet installed again :-/ , there is another way to remove it?
....however, if I install sv by the plugin manager ... not solve my problem

I don't know how the remove sv downloader except doing it manually through FTP deliting the proper plugin from /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/... ....Maybe some linux epert will tell you a better way

I don't really think "Log clean" deletes any setting, you have to do it manually or just installing a clean list of settings using a setting editor (this for sure won't do any damage!). If use the Vucc.exe util to manage your vu+, by choosing backup or charge settings you'll see the path where they are stored in the flash, I don't know that by heart! :p
ok I will follow your suggestion for delete sv downloader i try to delete this folder:

for delete the setting(I saw the path with Vucc.exe video) ,after that i make backup with Vucc.exe, i try to delete this:

right ?
ok I will follow your suggestion for delete sv downloader i try to delete this folder:

for delete the setting(I saw the path with Vucc.exe video) ,after that i make backup with Vucc.exe, i try to delete this:

right ?
Correct....the whole folder in the 1st case (as far as I see u only have remains of the programs, not the full installation, maybe the uninstaller had problems removing some files and the uninstall routine) and ONLY THE CONTENT in the second.....anyway if u download and install Vhannibal settings u will get the same result, you will find yourself with a set of clean channels installed...
ok tnx, i have removed sv downloader folder and all file in second tubox.... i have reinstalled svdownloader.... but my problem persist again.... i must use dreamset for add my settng on my vu + solo
... next time i try and hard restetfor clean my box
GRAZIE per la tua Gentilezza
Hi, sorry for late reply but I was out for work.
You should try to install settings without keeping your categories, just to try if settings are corrupted.
If this is not working, please be sure to have swap activated. You may run out of memory on Vu Solo.