Swap from OpenAtv to Blackhole


Vu+ Newbie
Hello guys,

Can someone help me out?
i wanted to swap form OpenAtv to Blackhole, but i need to get my settings from OpenAtv with me.
is this even possible?
and how do i do that?

(Sorry for noob question)
You can save your channel list, and bouquets, using dreamboxedit, or dreamset, but I wouldn't save anything else.
Why not try the multiboot option, to test Black Hole, to see if you like it.
I know i like Black Hole, but i have now OpenAtv.
Installed BlackHole and now i only have a few tv channels that work, wife is now angry and that kind of stuff ;)
Can someone help me out plesae?
Please read the forum rules before answering my next questions:

) Discussions regarding, pedophilia, pornography, piracy (keys, emulators, card sharing,
softcams, serial, crack warez) and to any debate illegal under existing laws are not allowed.
Recall also that it is illegal to reproduce your subscription to any Sky decoder IC that
has not paid the royaltes to NDS Group plc.
In order to prevent any discussion about the possible unlawful use of the receivers, it's forbidden
any debate about the smartcard reading and encoding systems.

Are the non working TV channels FTA, Free to Air?
Can you please post details of your satellite set up, and the satellites you used to be able to receive.