TS-File low resolution 1920x540 instead 1920x1080


Vu+ Newbie
Hello, i've problem with my records from VU+ Uno 4K se with VTI; when i recorded from channel with H.265 (AntikSat 16E) to my disk in enigma is ok; quality of record is ok 1920x1080 and everything is good;
when i've downloaded ts files to PC i get recordings in res. 1920x540 px; it doesn't matter from VU+ Zero 4k or Uno 4k; i think problem is records from sat in H.265 and 1080i; in the others channel in 1080p it's ok;

it is possible to fix it? some settings ? when i,ve downloaded to PC a try to convert with VidCoder (i get re 1920x1080 but it's poor); the other program shotcut is freezing when i've open this records;

Have you got some idea how to fix it ? to get good quality? thanks for help
Hello, i've problem with my records from VU+ Uno 4K se with VTI;
when i've downloaded ts files to PC i get recordings in res. 1920x540 px; it doesn't matter from VU+ Zero 4k or Uno 4k; i think problem is records from sat in H.265 and 1080i; in the others channel in 1080p it's ok;
1) This is NOT (fortunately) the forum about VTi: it's BH and OBH forum.
2) Which channel and sat is this? It seems impossible to me that a file changes if just transferred. I transferred also 4K files and, obviously, nothing changed in them once in my computer. How do you transfer them?

There is no setting, then. Maybe, there's to change the image you use from VTi to a nicer one.
two days ago i installed OpenBlackHole and was the same;
for example
RTVS Šport 11094 Vertical 27500 HEVC
Dvojka 11324 Vertical 30000 HEVC
2 weeks ago antiksat changed lots of channel from MPEG-4 to H.265 HEVC
records downloads via ftp to PC
Channel and SAT, please. If you don't tell us also what satellite you are talking about, you force people to search for the info you have to provide.
Yours should be on 16E, among the 4 ones I found.
So, I can't check.

Second: are you sure the channel broadcast in the resolution you claim?
Third: how did you transfer to PC your file? On a theoretical basis, this should not affect the file, but...
Eutelsat 16 East packages AntikSat Slovakia prov 0B00:000000;
freq: RTVS Šport 11094 Vertical 27500 HEVC; Dvojka 11324 Vertical 30000 HEVC
this channel are 1920x1080i both; i transfer files ts use ftp protocol