
Vu+ Newbie
I'd like to use a usb stick to create swap file and to save picons. I would like to know what is the process to see the usb.
I'd like to use a usb stick to create swap file and to save picons. I would like to know what is the process to see the usb.
Very good idea!

plugin the USB in the back!

2xBlue> device Manager>> mount points (select path,,press > ) >>>save... pres red...on the instruction windows ,,, press yes!
enigma 2 will restart!

Now USB should be ready for use!
Have fun with BH image!
I've connected a no-name 1GB usb stick for picons, mounted it and it works only about 2 times out of 10. At all other times, the Vu+Duo won't see it in the device manager.
I noticed the Vu+Duo usually recognises it immediately after a full restart, but on all other cases (enigma restart, decoder turn-on from normal or deep standby) it just won't work. Could it be a compatibility problem, does the Duo prefer particular sticks? Using BH 1.4.2 and a Hauppauge Nova-T-Stick is also connected.
I've connected a no-name 1GB usb stick for picons, mounted it and it works only about 2 times out of 10. At all other times, the Vu+Duo won't see it in the device manager.
I noticed the Vu+Duo usually recognises it immediately after a full restart, but on all other cases (enigma restart, decoder turn-on from normal or deep standby) it just won't work. Could it be a compatibility problem? Does the Duo prefer particular sticks? Using BH 1.4.2.
Did you format the stick directly from BH img and then mount it?
Or it was already formatted when you put it in the box?
Did you format the stick directly from BH img and then mount it?
Or it was already formatted when you put it in the box?
Thanks for replying, it was probably first formatted on the pc where I copied the picon files, as FAT or FAT32. Should I try 1) format on BH, 2) mount 3) connect to pc for picon copying?
Thanks for replying, it was probably first formatted on the pc where I copied the picon files, as FAT or FAT32. Should I try 1) format on BH, 2) mount 3) connect to pc for picon copying?
Yes, try blue panel, device manager, format stick, reboot box, mount stick, reboot box and see if stick is mapped correctly, if not i think it is a problem of compatibility.
Yes, try blue panel, device manager, format stick, reboot box, mount stick, reboot box and see if stick is mapped correctly, if not i think it is a problem of compatibility.
If it does not work even in this way, try to format ext3 from linux machine and the map it directly.
It did work for me.
If it does not work even in this way, try to format ext3 from linux machine and the map it directly.
It did work for me.

The last solution is to try to connect your pendrive with an USB hub externally powered.
Only in this last condition my 8gb pendrive works correctly.
Thanks everyone, formatting in a linux machine, also didn't work. USB gets recognized only after a restart, otherwise it rests invisible. I cannot use a hub just for this so I'll try another stick, is there a 'compatible devices' list available?
I found an unexpected solution: Ι downloaded the picon packages directly from the VU+, instead of copying them. The USB device is still invisible most of the times, but the picons are always visible now. :huh:
Not sure if the USB is used for the picons, or maybe the internal flash or even the HDD.
I found an unexpected solution: Ι downloaded the picon packages directly from the VU+, instead of copying them. The USB device is still invisible most of the times, but the picons are always visible now. :huh:
Not sure if the USB is used for the picons, or maybe the internal flash or even the HDD.

Probably located here
I found an unexpected solution: Ι downloaded the picon packages directly from the VU+, instead of copying them. The USB device is still invisible most of the times, but the picons are always visible now. :huh:
Not sure if the USB is used for the picons, or maybe the internal flash or even the HDD.
You should see if and where (normally /media/usb) usb is mounted and see if you have picon dir with picon inside in it.
Probably located here
Piconlcd is there, with just "picon_default.png" inside.
You should see if and where (normally /media/usb) usb is mounted and see if you have picon dir with picon inside in it.
Yes, they are there, exactly like before doing the on-line picon install. Clearly that installation did something good... not sure what though! The stick is usually *not* found in the device manager, but the picons now work even when this is the case.
Piconlcd is there, with just "picon_default.png" inside.
Yes, they are there, exactly like before doing the on-line picon install. Clearly that installation did something good... not sure what though! The stick is usually *not* found in the device manager, but the picons now work even when this is the case.
If stick is not found i'm not sure picons are in usb stick.
If stick is not mounted correctly, picon risk to go in flash and this can make it full and make your img unstable.
I think you'd better to try mounting your stick properly.
Thanks, now that you mention it, after this, I'm sometimes getting strange messages in the lcd during boot-up (a corrupt 'Reading', like' or similar) , the Vu+Duo boots up, plays a channel, but is locked and unusable. Where should I check to see if the flash memory contains picons?
I also tried to use another usb stick, but again, it was 2 out of 10 times, invisible.
Thanks, now that you mention it, after this, I'm sometimes getting strange messages in the lcd during boot-up (a corrupt 'Reading', like' or similar) , the Vu+Duo boots up, plays a channel, but is locked and unusable. Where should I check to see if the flash memory contains picons?
I also tried to use another usb stick, but again, it was 2 out of 10 times, invisible.
If you have all these problems my advice is to reflash your box and do not install picons untill your stick is mounted correctly.
After you flash, try in device manager to format stick, reboot, mount stick, reboot again.
I found a stick that works always fine, but it's a bit larger and it doesn't fit alongside the Hauppauge tuner in the back... :cursing: (actually it fits, but both devices are very tight and bent, it looks very unsafe). Tried a usb extension cable for the tuner, doesn't work. I'll keep trying... Thanks everyone for your help. ;)