
Delete files in folder wher is setting.
But if you send next setting or download from feed old setting will be oweriited by new.
But please write whot you can do,
If send new setting to box best is used drembox edit.
If download from feed look to menu image.
ok. I used to scan my 2 satelites Astra and thor . and i made my own buquets. Somebody messed with the box and installed this vhannibal settings. now...instead o having just the channels from the 2 satelites i have thousands of them and obviously they re not working most of them as my dishes are oriented on astra ( the one with german and spanish channels) and thor 5,6,7 intelsat 1002 . i want to go back to having onl?y those channels. i dont need the vhannibal settings but i find no way of unninstalling them.
I would aprecciate some help with this. i dont wanna flash again the box.
Thank you.
Try using dreamboxedit:
If you haven't used it before, set up a folder, on your PC's desktop, and name it settings, default name, and location.
Start up dreamboxedit, go to tools, and click on options.
Enter you receivers IP address, test the connection, and if it works save it.
Now go to file and click on Fast FTP download, this will download your current satellite list, into dreamboxedit.
You can now delete the unwanted Bouquets, on the right, and edit your channel list.
If deleting a lot of channels change the All Satellites option, to a satellite you don't need, then select all those channels, by selecting the one at the top of the page, pressing both the Ctrl key, & the A key, to select All, then delete them.
Once you've finished you can FTP the amended list, back to your receiver, and save it, in the settings folder, for any time you might need it again.

Please post back, if you have any questions, and with the results.
but , if i scan again those 2 satelites am i going to get again all the other ones?
Thank you for taking the time to help me.
It will only scan the satellites you select, either doing a manual scan, or a blind scan, but unless you delete all the others the vhannibal channels, and bouquets, will still be there.
You should always back up your channel list, using dreamboxedit, or dreamset, in case anything happens, or you upgrade to a new image, or version of an image.