video editing/conversion of a record


Vu+ Newbie
For a record 6 files types are generated : *.ts, *.eit, *.ap, *.cuts, *.meta, *.sc. Apart *.ts file I do not know what represent each of these. Can someone help me ? Can be the *.cut file used for cutting the advertisement from the *.ts file ? Which tool can be used for editing then converting the format *.ts to whatever format ? I used AVS sw. which it a good tool but olny IDE operrations are allowed, no scripting, no use of *.cuts file, no automation are supported or am I wrong ?. I have the feeling that something else should be used .
For a record 6 files types are generated : *.ts, *.eit, *.ap, *.cuts, *.meta, *.sc. Apart *.ts file I do not know what represent each of these. Can someone help me ? Can be the *.cut file used for cutting the advertisement from the *.ts file ? Which tool can be used for editing then converting the format *.ts to whatever format ? I used AVS sw. which it a good tool but olny IDE operrations are allowed, no scripting, no use of *.cuts file, no automation are supported or am I wrong ?. I have the feeling that something else should be used .
It's a bit late, but it can help others, the .ts is the video itself. This type of stream can be edited using Mpeg Streamclip (on windows or linux pc) which convert it into mpg file. It let you cut advertisement or save parts of the video on your hard disc.