VU+ app streaming on IPad stopped working


Vu+ Newbie
Hi everyone.
We have a (genuine) VU+ Duo.
We had to change internet providers a year ago and since then none of the apps I have downloaded on my IPad work any more.
The IP address I enter is correct (I checked on the VU+).
OpenWebif is installed on the VU+

I used to use vuplusTV which worked well, but that doesn't work any more. I reinstalled it today and all I get is the settings page, all the settings are correct, but halfway down the settings page. it has
Info loading..... and it's been like that for hours.

I then tried e2RemoteLite but that can't find the box, even when I add the IP, Webif name root and password manually - it tells me there is an error in the field "Webif version: error" and Error no connection. (I have no idea which version Webif I have, there is no version number when I check in "Plug-Ins".
On our WiFi router, DMZ is activated.
Can anyone suggest any solution ?
DMZ is a bad idea for your network security... in case, you may authorize your iPad's IP specifically.
This seems to me a router-related issue, not a app problem. Surely, the fact you changed Internet provider has nothing to do with your apps and your VU+, unless...
unless, when you changed provider, you also changed the router because you began using the one given from them, not your old, personal router. I hope you did not forget to mention such a secondary detail... ;)
It IS a new router (glass fibre connection) but I don't believe it is a router problem, because - with exactly the same settings - the app works on my IPhone 11 but not on my IPad. My Netatmo security camera also uses the router and port 8001 and that works on my IPhone AND on my IPad.
In addition, the free test version of e2remote Lite works on my IPad (you only get about 60 seconds per show though, unless you buy the stream app from them).
I have reinstalled VU+TV several times on my IPad, ditto rebooting my IPad, but it "sticks" on the Settings page and there is no "TV..Radio.." etc at the bottom which I can select.
The IPad IOS is up to date, so the problem must be somewhere else.
But if you have reason to believe it's the app, you should contact the app's author: how the image's coders can intervene on the app?
And, above all, which image are you using?
I just notice a diffrence with my IPAD. Until last IOS update i just hade to press the Icon on my Vu+ Solo2 or Uno4Kse and the app startet TV mode.
Now i have to press the corresponding icon to choose STB and then save and also manual press Live TV. This was automatic before.

So just press the save button on the setup page and then from the left menu press Live TV and all should work.
Only crapp now is that you have to do it everytime you start the app. But that is the App Devs problem ;)
The problem has been solved. Apparently every time I deinstalled VU+TV from my IPad and reinstalled it, I only saw the little cloud and arrow icon on the App Store instead of "GET", and that was still apparently pointing to the old version. My son in law (using my IPad) managed to somehow get rid of the cloud, used GET, set it up and it is working now.
@Thomas67: I cannot see a Save button on the Settings page, and at the bottom I have TV..Radio.. Recordings.. Settings. Are you perhaps talking about a different App ?
Thankyou everyone for your assistance and suggestions.
Now I need to compose a different question about Tuners...