vu+ Duo 4K SE BT vs IR remote


Vu+ Newbie
As my vu+ duo2 decided to leave me with defective HDMI port I was wondering to replace it with Du0 4K SE and the only thing left for me to decide is to buy BT or IR version ... On duo2 I used Deep Standby function a lot as I didn't really care about startup speed but I got myself thinking if BT version supports deep standby at all and if yes are there any problems with waking up - turning on device from deep sleep with BT remote.
Hope someone has some good advice on this and is willing to share it - Thank you.
The remote switches out of BT mode after a period of inactivity, so will work like a normal remote, therefore no problem bringing the box out of deep standby.

Personally I don't see the point of the BT remote, but some people must like it.