vu+duo 4kse can't load bh image


Vu+ Newbie
after 8 years solo2 i purchased new receiver but bh install fails . box read an installl files from usb but blocks on image install .
I can startup in factory-image , but it starts always with BH logo-screen
How can I reset and try to install new image ?
PS. not a newbee but still unexperienced
Are you certain your receiver is a VU+ Duo 4K SE, and not the VU+ Duo 4K? Both have different images.
You can always load the official vuplus image, which was probably on your receiver when it arrived, or Open Black Hole.
Are you certain your receiver is a VU+ Duo 4K SE, and not the VU+ Duo 4K? Both have different images.
You can always load the official vuplus image, which was probably on your receiver when it arrived, or Open Black Hole.
thanks , yes i'm shure and now te image is ok
Thanks for the answer
if you have hdd attached disconnect it before flashing image
thankis very much , the harddisk caused the failure . Very srange , it is a new mounted disk with only directory for media
The image loads without failure , I explore it now.
I was afraid i had to send the bow back , because I couldn't flash anyting
Thanks very much for your reply , now I can sleep next night