Vu+ Duo DVB Module Updater by Lee -


Vu+ User
Vu+ Duo DVB Module Updater by Lee - Goldwafers

New DVB Modules in "module" folder is Version mbox-dvb-modules-bm750-2.6.18-7.3-4.1.1-20100827
Old DVB Modules in "backup" folder is Version mbox-dvb-modules-bm750-2.6.18-7.3-20100611

I recommend backing up your original DVB modules first before uploading new ones.
Older Images like Dream Elite BH 1.3.3F won't work with the latest DVB Modules.
Dream Elite BH 1.3.3F will only work with mbox-dvb-modules-bm750-2.6.18-7.3-20100611 or below.

If your receiver doesn't boot after upgrading don't worry just use the Restore Original DVB Modules option.

The backup folder contains the mbox-dvb-modules-bm750-2.6.18-7.3-20100611 modules by default.

Unzip Instructions

Unzip all the files and folders in this archive to your local HDD.


Enter the receiver IP address in the IP Address field.
Username: root

There is no default password so leave this field blank unless you have changed the password in which case enter your password.

Click the Connect Button.

I recommend backing up your original DVB modules first before uploading new ones.

Click the Backup Original DVB Modules Button.

Wait until the “Successfully backed up original modules to backup folder.” Message appears.

Click the Upload New DVB Modules Button.

Wait until the “Successfully uploaded new modules to Vu+ Duo, Now Reboot Receiver.” Message appears.

Now close the program and reboot your receiver.

Please note it can take approx 3 minutes for the receiver to boot up after a reboot so be patient.

If you should experience any problems after updating DVB Modules then you can always revert back to the original DVB Modules from the backup you made at the start.

To restore original DVB Modules:

Click the Restore Original DVB Modules Button.

Wait until the “Successfully restored backup modules to Vu+ Duo, Now Reboot Receiver.” Message appears.

Now close the program and reboot your receiver.

Please note it can take approx 3 minutes for the receiver to boot up after a reboot so be patient.

